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Building a Better Future through Holistic Financial Planning - Interview on the Minority Money Podcast

Our Hispanic Heritage Month celebration continues as Luis Rosa, CFP® EA, Founder of Build a Better Financial Future and host of the On My Way To Wealth Podcast of joins us to talk about what it's like to live in the US as a Spanish Immigrant! In this episode, Luis shares his journey to success as a Latino and how he found his calling. We also touch on the common misconceptions related to Hispanic culture, and the importance of empowering minorities with the right mindset so they can take charge of their finances. Luis also talks about what it's like to move to New York from Dominican Republic at the age of 11. He shares the struggles and quirks his family had throughout their time in the Heights. Start walking the path towards a better financial future for yourself, family, and community as Luis shares his knowledge and expertise on holistic financial planning!

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Leveraging Previous Relationships to Build a Firm During a Pandemic

We’re excited to welcome our one-thousandth XYPN member, Luis Rosa, owner of Build a Better Financial Future, a fee-only firm in Las Vegas, Nevada on the show today. Due to the state of Nevada’s registration process, it took Luis 7 ½ months to launch his own firm and transition two dozen clients. Listen as Luis talks about what it’s been like to make that transition while dealing with a global pandemic. Luis speaks to the underrepresentation that the financial planning industry has and he hypothesizes that as advisors continue to break out on their own and develop specific niches, this industry will continue to grow and reach more and more diverse populations. Although Luis feels he is only making a small impact, he has developed a podcast and service model to help make his firm more accessible to people without assets that need financial help. Luis also talks about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur running a firm as a solo-advisor, and how already, he feels the pressure to hire despite only being 6 months in. If you’re interested in what it’s like to start your firm and transition clients during a global pandemic, this episode is for you.

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Starting From Scratch: How to Apply for Credit With No Credit History

Building credit can feel like a Catch-22. In order to access it, you need proof you can use it responsibly, like trying to get your first job without yet having enough experience to prove your capabilities to a future employer. A thin credit profile doesn’t mean you’re destined to remain in that cycle forever, though. There are several ways in which you can attain credit with little or no credit history, and some issuers even offer products specifically for people with no credit. Plus, new programs are making it easier to prove your creditworthiness to potential lenders. But experts warn easy access to credit may be increasingly more difficult to attain in today’s credit market. By Kendall Little via NextAdvisor with contribution from Luis F. Rosa, CFP® EA.

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